Self-destructing 101 - Stubbornness and Conceit

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In showbiz, the name of the game is survival. If you want to survive in this jungle, there are two things - reinvention and right attitude.

An almost iconic singer/actress (SA) doesn't seem to realize this. Stubbornness has definitely brought her to the sunset of her career - 'though to this day, she's still in big denial.

Talks have it that her over-publicized but also over-delayed talk show has now suddenly slipped from a daily to a weekly show.

Two long-planned movies, each co-starring her with two of showbiz's most handsome faces (A1 and A2), have been turned down by both actors. It didn't help that A1 was SA's once beloved ex. Heard from the grapevine - that both drama actors have same reasons for their refusal: that doing a movie with SA is tantamount to committing a big career suicide.

Adding to her woes is that endorsements are now hardly coming by. Gone are the days when she used to lord it over everyone in advertising products, gaining her the title Queen of Commercials for many, many years. But now, even if one comes along, endorsement deals are not as sweet as they used to be. She is, to put it bluntly at the lowest point of her career.

It is pretty obvious that her new management team and network seem to be of no help to resurrect her once powerful status.

But showbiz insiders say that even the best talent management can only do so much. If talent becomes a monster who has a mind of her own, no magic will work.

SA's latest blunder on social networking ethics was her one big mistake. She was just unstoppable, and wouldn't take heed. The public was so pissed with her behavior. For months, she put herself up for ridicule from a lot of people - fans, friends and foes alike.

What seems to be SA's problem? Is it psychological? Or is it the size of her ego growing bigger than her weight can handle?

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