Dogsquat's new blog

On the taking of the Red Pill:
You sit there reading some dude’s blog, eyes picking over bullet points and flowcharts and PowerPoints. What the fuck is the matter with people who think like this? None of it sits right with you. In the comments, some douchebag with a low, sloping forehead tosses out a tip/brags to other douchebags. You’re skeptical. No woman is that dumb. Maybe he was at a supprt group for people who used to eat paint chips. Sigh. You scroll through some of his other comments Now you’re disgusted. That dude lacks a shred of decency. He’s got no respect for anyone. Pathological. You’re offended on behalf of women everywhere. Fuck this. Might as well get some sleep.

But some small part of you wonders…

You try out that douchebag’s bullshit one day, on a whim…and something happened! She didn’t drop to her knees and blow you, but you’ve never made a woman smile and bite her lip like that. Shock! The Earth shifts under your feet. Blurry mysteries snap into crisp focus. You hunt down that old post and scroll through the comments until you find the comment. You stare at the username. You imagine that person’s life. You feel slightly apologetic. You’re appreciative. That anonymous person has given you a great gift.

That’s it, the Event Horizon. Ground Zero. It’s never the same afterwords.
This promises to be a pretty good blog, as he's been one of the better commenters at Susan's place and other blogs. Now, I never took the Red Pill because, for the most part, I was the douchebag from whom my male friends and acquaintances gradually came to their awakenings, to the extent that they have done so. Of course, I had my own role models, most notoriously a pair of brothers who owned a night club and a bar downtown, and whose arrogance and total disrespect for the female sex really had to be seen to be believed. It was like beholding a major work of art seeing either of them in operation. Needless to say, they were more successful and more popular with women than anyone else in town, including the rock stars and the professional athletes. I saw the younger brother, in particular, effortlessly pick up women that neither Prince nor Mike Modano, both notorious womanizers in their own rights, could score.

Now, few who read this blog need to be convinced of the core truth of the matter, but that still leaves 99 percent of the men and 99.9 percent of the women in the dark. So, it will be a long time indeed until the Game blogs become unnecessary, especially because every spring, the high schools of America are graduating young men steeped in 12 years of female propaganda.

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