Fun Friday: Read My Lips

Have you ever had your palm read? Did you know that you could read your lips in a similar fashion to give yourself a inside look at what your lip print means. Jilly Eddy over at Lipsology is a Lipsologist and does just that, reads lips. I never knew there was such a thing but I actually find it pretty interesting albeit a little quirky.

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What does your lips mean?

Here are just a few things Jilly says your lips shape means about you.

Diamond Shaped - accomplished and give generously to your community

Full Lower Lip - excellent communicator and children adore you
Overall Rounded Shape - dislike conflict, look out for others and happiest when those around you are happy

Corners Point Up - multitalented person who hates boredom

Wave Upper Lip - sign of creativity and imagination

V-shape Lip Split - means your romantic, a foodie with champagne taste, and a good cook

Little Space Between Lips - Stubbornness, you know what you want to do and how you want to do it

Small Cupid's Bow - you excel at meditating and negotiating
A Lot of Space Between Lips - you're open-minded with no preconceived ideas about people or situations

Solid Color of Lips - you're energetic

Thin Upper Lip - you're picky

Wavy Lips - you're artistic

You know I had to try it out to see what my own lip shape means.
Here are my lips. Why couldn't they have been cuter? haha! It goes to show that you can't just look in the mirror because I would have thought I would have a more defined Cupid's bow and a thin upper lip but that definitely isn't the case.

According to this I have a overall rounded shape, full lower lip, my corners point up, small Cupid's bow, space between the lips and solid coloring.

I'll just say the solid coloring I feel like had to do more with how much lip stick you applied beforehand but we'll just go with it.

My reading says i dislike conflict and that I look out for others and am happiest when those around me are happy. That I'm an excellent communicator and children adore me. That I am a multitalented person who hates boredom and excel at meditating and negotiating. I'm also open-minded with no preconceived ideas about people or situations. As well as being energetic.
I actually think this is a pretty accurate reading. I do dislike conflict. I don't care to talk about others political view, religious views, etc because I don't like arguing with people. I am happiest when other people are happy. I hate when my hubby is in a bad mood or when my family or friends are upset. Obviously that is, I think, natural for lots of people but it does make me happy to see them happy. I find myself to be multitalented, now whether other people find that is a different story. Ha! It is definitely true that I don't like to be bored, it depresses me. I don't know about the excel at meditating and negotiating though. I guess I'm ok at that but maybe that's why my Cupid's bow is almost non-existent. ;) I as well think I'm pretty open-minded and a fairly good communicator. I don't know about children adoring me though.

Well that was fun! :) You know you want to go pucker up and read your lips right now right?

Did you read your lips? What did they say?


Don't forget this week's Wow Wow Wednesday is a blog hop if you want to go link up. :)

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