Dear Fashion PULIS:
I have been recently introduced to your blog and enjoy your fun way of writing immensely, especially the quotes at the end of every article. Anyways, I am furnishing you a copy of a letter I sent to MTRCB regarding my gripe about ABS-CBN's sorry excuse for a new soap 'Cofradia', hoping that you might perhaps help me proliferate it by publishing it on your blog and help start a healthy dialogue.
This is the letter I sent to MTRCB to lodge my complaint against the planned made-for-TV revival of the movie Cofradia. Please share.
My name is Noa Herrera, a Filipino citizen currently residing in Honolulu, HI. I am writing you this letter to express my concern and strong indignation over ABS-CBN’s plan to revive the movie ‘Cofradia’ for television as has been widely reported and discussed in social media. Now as I recall, the original movie and its subsequent revivals’ plot centered around a girl who was heavily frowned upon and lived a recluse all her life because of her ‘black skin’. She then becomes ‘beautiful’ upon the discovery of a magical candle that transforms her black skin into white when it is lit. This line of thinking is awfully Neandarthal, outdated and racist beyond salvation. I cannot even begin to describe how much it offends me. Not only will it not be sending the greatest of messages to Filipino children and to the Filipino population at large, but it will also only rub salt to the wound in a culture that already suffers from a senseless but widespread obsession with whiteness and fair skin. ABS-CBN is the country’s largest network and will most likely air this abominable piece of ‘work’ on their global arm TFC. It will be an embarrassment for Filipinos the world over. I am incensed by this prospect and so should every Filipino who is capable of thought. I am vehement in my indignation and will do everything I can to bring as much attention to this matter until it is rectified. But for now, I am leaving it to your noble office and the capable heads that occupy it to discuss, decide and hopefully take the appropriate action.
Yours Very Respectfully,
Noa Herrera