Crimson Arts and the Scarlet Manifesto

Dr. Peggy boasts of the wonderful results of a liberated and increasingly adulterous female population:
After years of raising boys to think more like women and women to think more like men, we are now witnessing a generation of adults who fall less into traditional gender roles than ever before. Today's young men, as a whole, are more sensitive than their fathers were. The women are more independent than their mothers. There's been a trickle-up effect: The older generations are witnessing these changes, these freedoms, as they show up in their children and grandchildren, causing a culture-wide shift that transcends age.

Related:On misogyny
Research supports this: According to a study conducted earlier this year by biological anthropologist Dr. Helen Fisher for the dating site, women are getting less traditional about relationships. Men, interestingly, are getting more so. Men want marriage, babies, and stability; women want personal space and regular nights out with friends. More poignantly, women view their sexuality based on notions of what they want to do, versus what they're told they should do.

In my work and in my life, I had been hearing more from women who were both having extramarital affairs and actively seeking them out. While they weren't necessarily proud of their actions, neither were they ashamed. Unlike men, whose cheating often follows an impulse, these women had considered their affairs. They had reasons for them.
I'm not interested in wagging my finger or responding to the obvious.  What I find interesting here is to note the way other women are repeatedly confirming what Roissy and other Game bloggers, including me, have been saying for years, despite the denials of the NAWALT crowd.

Now no one, except perhaps for the most bitter red pill Gammas, are claiming that all women are adulterous sluts prone to cheating at the drop of a hat.  But what Roissy has been repeatedly driving home is that the observably negative female behavior is increasingly driven by perverse societal structures and incentives that have unleashed the raw, chaotic power of female sexuality to the detriment of men, women, and society.

The fact that Dr. Peggy, the Jezebelles, and the assorted hairy-armed manjaws of the world are celebrating these societal changes indicates that they are real, they are destructive, and that they have to be unmade if society is to return to a stable and sustainable path.  There is no room for the moderates, both male and female, who want to protect the structural changes while decrying the negative consequences; the latter are the product of the former.

The logic is harsh, but inescapable.  As Instapundit likes to say, that which can't continue won't.  If women who are free to do what they want collectively choose to behave in a way that destroys their societies, either those societies will collapse or women will not be permitted such freedom in the future. Women may be, as Dr. Peggy says, more confident about making choices, but what use is confidence when the choices are so often self-destructive ones that lead to empty minds and barren wombs?

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