Tip Tuesday: Stress Free Edition: Stop stress before it starts!

This is the last stress edition post for Tip Tuesday. Hopefully you have all gotten some good tips to beat the stress. Today's last tips on stress are ways to prevent it from even starting up and causing you a great deal of grief.

  • Exercise regularly! Exercising on a regular basis helps take the edge off any anxiety you may be feeling.

  • Sleep! Get enough sleep and when you need a nap, take it.

  • Value your friendships! Having a good friend or two to share your feelings with will help keep you sane. 

  • Ask for help! Whether it's professional or you just need a help with laundry around the house.

  • Pamper yourself! Take a break every now and then and enjoy some YOU time.

  • Go outside! Enjoy a few minutes being away from gadgets and enjoy the sky, birds, and nature. It's relaxing.

  • Remember nothing has to be perfect, just do the best you can.

  • Enjoy reading? writing? crafting? blogging? Make it a regular habit in your life. If it's your outlet make time for it.

What is your way of keeping stress away before it starts?

When I start feeling really antsy or like I'm letting stuff bother me I like to do my last little tip and just do something that I enjoy doing which also in turn keeps my mind off other things for awhile.

NOTE: The Fall Giveaway is LIVE. You can check out the link here. Sorry I don't have it posted yet, waiting for the code and it will be up ASAP on TGL. $175 value grand prize of The Balm products! Thanks!
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