Consider the alternative

Here is the background information:
I am a 42 divorced man. (My ex-wife went all EatPrayLove on me.) Not only I am an eminent businessman who’s been an executive at the top corporations in the world (Apple, Facebook, Google) but I am above average attractive. I never dated until I went to college, in school girls I approached didn't think they were good enough for me, cheerleaders were intimidated by my athletic prowess, to top it all I was very shy, so I was in a catch-22 situation.

It has taken me this long to get up and start ‘looking’. I have found that it is like going back to school again. Women are still intimidated by me(!). As I said I am quite attractive and this results in many indicators of interest, but still no women will go out with me.
Now for the question. Is this writer's problem:

a) Women are intimidated by his success.
b) Women are intimidated by his good looks.
c) Women don't believe they are good enough for him.
d) Women think this guy is self-deluded and ridiculous.

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